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To start the new segment, I will talk of my favorite culture of the old times, the Vikings.

Event does, most people think that the Vikings are a chaotic and savages culture, the true is that they were very intelligent and where one of the first form of democracy and take the idea of be clean and takes baths very continued, even though they were rules by kings and earls, the people has the chance of vote, also if someone kill the king or earl, become the king or earl.

They also were know has the kings of the seas, innovate in the navigation system, inventing the drakkar, a long and quiet boat that can handle long time travels in the seas and ocean. With the help of this boat they conquered Europe in the 800´s and 1100’s a.C attacking England, France, the Mediterranean sea and Russia.

The reason that they were known as brutal warriors, it was because in battle they go in a berserk mode, showing no fear of dead. The stories say that the main reason was one of the base of their religion, was that if they died in battle don´t caring in which side were, Odin will takes their souls and put them in Valhalla. Some historians say that other reason was that they consumed some drug before going to battle.

Speaking of their religion, they believed that the universe was a giant three and the nine words stay´s in the branches of this. The nine words were Asgard (where the god´s lived) Midgard (the humans word), the Helheim (the word of the dead),Niflheim (the word of darkness), Muspelheim (the land of fire), Svartálfaheim (the dark elf’s land), Alfheim (the elf’s land) and Vanaheim (the place of the Vanir, another clan of gods).

Their principal gods were:

Odin, the father of all

Thor, the god of thunder

Loki, the god of chaos

Heimdall, the guardian

Frigg, the wife of Odin

Eir, the healer.

There are others, but these are the more important.

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