The Effects of the Smartphone in the Human Brain
A part of our daily life, a part of our thoughts, a part of our social process, a tool for job, the smartphone has become an amazing advance in technology, and we see it every day, even to know the time. It has transformed itself into the most notorious social tool, and we use it to take selfies, to chat, to play, and we can’t ignore it -even the old people have to have one if they want to talk to their children. But have we realized the damage that it causes to our brain into its functionality?
Damn, we use it even before we go to sleep, thinking on what can we download, who can we talk with, what can we do to not get bored, and despise of that, we do not consider that we have dreams of it. Using the internet gives us the possibility of gathering tons of info in the same time, to save time, and what’s the problem with it?
The changes in the social process and personality
Let’s be honest. If we meet someone, one of the first things we think is to ask their phone numbers, so we can chat with the person we’ve met, and maybe take a selfie saying how cool and sympathetic this person is.
The loss of memory and sleep
The problem with the usage of the smartphone is not only because of its utility (to make things easier), it’s because of the plenty of time that we spend on it. That becomes a very big problem when the tons of disordered info and its variety starts entering into our conscious mind, because it gets harder to memorize and the brain has to get used to it and to analyze it a.s.a.p., and our concentration remains conscious until we go to sleep. But the info remains working in our brain during the night, causing privation of sleep.
Stop using that thing for once and for all! Or at least try to use it less time.