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The advantages of playing an instrument

Playing an instrument, being as popular as the guitar or flute, or more classical as a violin, flute traverse, cello, etc. or simply the fact of listening music, is something that can give us many advantages in various aspects, for example, forget -while playing the instrument- some problems and also give us higher cognitive and motor advantages.

A Finnish scientists group studied the effects that some professional musicians have in a concert of approximately two hours and the results were that it improved the activity of the genes involved in the dopaminergic neurotransmission, the memory, motor skills and the learning.

Another study made for the Nina Kraus’s team in the University from Northwest, United States, revealed that older adults that practiced an instrument have higher capacity of mental reaction about some stimuli compared with older adults that never practiced an instrument.

Finally, I invite you to play any instrument because this will help you to have higher coordination, increased confide

nce, to overcome some fears, generate more intimate social relations, increase your productivity and concentration, practice the memory, improve definitely the language abilities, the behavior or spatial intelligence, reduces the stress and depression, decreases the blood pressure, get you happier, promote the constancy and discipline, between other things that can you help much.

After all that I said. Wouldn’t you like to play an instrument?

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