What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality is a digital environment that assimilates the reality, and gives the user the sensation of being inside of it. The environment is contemplated by the user through a VR visor, and ocassionally it’s accompanied by other devices to give an unique experience.
This new technology was developed with recreative objectives, but actually it’s used to different things; for example, militar training, flying simulations, arqueology and art.

Personally I think this is a big advance for technology, ‘cause you’re here, but you’re there, at the same exact time, I mean, you can stay in two different worlds with one single click. In relation with another uses given to this technology, apart of the recreational ones, on march 11th of the present year, the first colon operation with 360 degrees VR vision was performed. The surgery was streamed all around the world by Google Cardboard visors.

Steve Dann, Medical Realities co-founder, says he’s so excited about how the virtual reality can be used for practice at the medical areas.
Actually, the VR market is growing so quickly, with a long variety of visors, as the devices developed by Sony, Oculus, o Samsung.
You’re all invited to get interested and informed about this topic, so you could give your opinion and participate on forums or conversations about this new branch of technology.