How to get good grades in your most hated subject?
I guess that most of you who are reading this article must be desperate and without any idea to study to have a good grade, that does not cause angry and furious your parents. Dear Friend, you arrived at the right place as I will give you some tips and advices so you can get a good grade, save you a good granted and you can go to the party we all hear.
1.- Get organized!: (suggestion: Much of the success in secondary education depends on being organized). You need to have a folder, buy folders that have divisions, this will help you organize your notes by color and subject. If you have all your documents together rather than separate all messy and everything will be worse as you started!
2.- Find out about test dates: Study hard for the subjects in which you do not go very well. Usually, the most difficult subject in the school is Math and more if your teacher is a super hyper mega estrict (like Cocochi teacher).
3.- Don’t play in class and just dedicate yourself to listen your teacher all the time.
4.- Believe in yourself: Just try to do things good well in school. When you get your report card, you will be surprised by the result.
5.- CHEER UP!: Don’t be sad if you get a bad grade, in the next test push yourself and you’ll do great!
6.- Share your doubts: Ask in class, answer all your questions with your teacher and share the answers with your classmates.
7.- In my opinion…. be nice with your teachers and some day they will thank you.