Inclusion is the key
In this article we will talk about Down Syndrome, specifically referring to the insertion that they have in our society and how difficult it is for their families. In the first instance, they should be accepted and incorporated by other people and the most important: the should have equality in different areas, mainly in education.
The Down Syndrome is a genetic anomaly which altered the number of chromosomes, specifically on the extra appearance of chromosome 21, because of this, the Syndrome is also known as trisomy 21 or mongolism.
The main characteristics possessed by a person with this condition are: the facial features -it makes easier to identify them-, mental retardation can be evident in some of them but not for others.
In my opinión the most important characteristic is how affectional they are, and the great love they give.
The incorporation of children with down syndrome in our society it can be very difficult specially in education, because many schools do not accept them because they think it is a waste of time when they teach because they learn much slower than other children. However if there are schools that have system of integration for them it becomes easier. In Chillan there are schools that have a system of full integration for children with down syndrome like: ‘’Juan Pacheco Altamirano’’ , ‘’Los Heroes’’ , ‘’Juan Madrid’’ and Coanil corporation. In my opinion what these schools do is a great job because for families; this is a great relief and satisfaction because, not because a child has different abilities he will not have the right to receive the same education as other children their age.
Finally, I can conclude that the down syndrome is a condition that can be accepted or not for society and that inclusion in education can be very complicated but still progressing and has been helping these children to receive the same education of others, despite the time they take to learn.