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Did you know?

-Scientifically, the tomato is a fruit, because the biologist says tomato is the product of a flower’s ovary.

-The cueca national day is on september 17th, and it was proclaimed in 1989. The nationalization of this dance was while the militaries were on the government, and one of its origin theories is that cueca comes from Africa and it has Spanish influences.

-Bill Gates, Microsoft founder, is vegan, and with his fortune, he helped many organizations and supported research projects, as one which it has as purpose to create artificial eggs made out of plants easy to harvest. Also he made a proposal about create transgenic seeds and meat flavoured.

-The famous DJ, Skrillex was guitarrist and lead singer of a post-hardcore band called “From First to Last” since 2004 to 2007.

Portada del 4° álbum de Bring Me The Horizon.

-The song “Don´t Go” from the UK alt-metal, Bring Me The Horizon, is inspired on Terry Hurst, a young man who was cruelly killed with a scythe by 3 schoolmates, on 2004.

At the song verses, we can see “God forgive me for all my sins, God forgive me for everything” in reference to the prayers made by Terry…

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