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Ramdom facts!

--Chatear mientras manejas puede aumentar tu chance de accidentes 23 veces.

-El correo era repartido 12 veces al día en el Londres Victoriano.

-En 1978, Corea del norte secuestró estrellas de cine surcoreanas, un director y una actriz y los forzó a hacer propaganda.

-España es el segundo país más grande en Europa del oeste y la unión Europea.

-En el Reino unido, el costo del crecimiento de un niño desde su nacimiento hasta los 21 años es sobre los US$300,000.

-La sangre de los pulpos es azul.

-La película “Saving Private Ryan” era tan real que provocó estrés pos-traumático en los veternos de la segunda guerra mundial.

-Un ciego cruzó por kayak el Grand Canyon en 2013.

- Some non-redheaded men have red beards because they have one copy of the MC1R gene. Two copies would make them fully redheads.

-You spend 10% of your waking life blinking.

-Every USA president with a beard has been a republican.

-There are albino bottlenose dolphins.

-You can visit the Grand Canyon using Google Street View.

-Streaming services as Netflix and Hulu save kids from over 150 hours of commercial a year.

-Australians are the world’s biggest meat eaters, consuming almost 200lbs each every year, closely followed by americans.

-56% of Russians regret the collapse of the Soviet Union, a 2016 survey found.

-When David Bowie wanted to walk around in New York without being bothered, he simply carried a newspaper in greek, so that people would think “no, that can’t be him”.

-350 million people of all ages around the world suffer from depression.

-Depression can cause you to dream up to 3 to 4 times more than you normally would.

-1 in 8 adolescents in USA have clinical depression.

-People who spend a lot of time on the internet are more likely to be depressed, lonely and mentally unestable, a stufy found.

-The USA purchased Alaska from Russia for just US$7.2 million in 1867.

-The Berlin wall was more than 140 kilometres long.

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