In my life I had different favorite bands, but I think that this band is the definitive one. I will talk about Radiohead, an awesome band...

Chloë Grace Moretz in action
500 Days of Summer A comedy romance drama movie about a woman who doesn't believe true love exists, and a young man who falls for her....

Coffee portraits
Hong Yi is an artist and architectural designer born in Malaysian. she is known by her artistic name “Red”, she uses weird materials to...

After the amazing first season, a lot of people were wondering, if they could do the second season at the same level at the first season....

Criaturas Mitológicas: Quimera
Quimera En la mitología griega, Quimera era un monstruo híbrido que tenía el cuerpo de una cabra, la cola de una serpiente o un dragón y...

Criaturas Mitológicas: Hidra de Lerna
Hidra de Lerna En la mitología griega, la hidra de Lerna era una criatura acuática y terrestre con forma de serpiente; tenía muchas...

Capitán America: Guerra Civil
Sinceramente… Cómo estuvo Capitán América: Guerra Civil? (Puede contener Spoilers) Ha llegado la última película de Marvel. La publicidad...

Top 7: Cosas que puedes hacer cuando no tienes internet
Todas las cosas que he escrito en este top han sido cosas de la vida diaria sin internet. Se me ocurrió hacer este top ya que la mayoría...

Captain America: Civil War
Sincerely… How was Captain America: Civil War? (May contain some Spoilers) The newest Marvel movie has arrived. The hype has overcome the...

Mythological Creatures: Hydra of Lerna
Hydra of Lerna In Greek mythology, the Hydra of Lerna was aquatic and terrestrial creature with snakelike, had many heads (could be...