Youtube Channels recomedation
Well today I will tell you about some YouTube channels that I think that are pretty good, because I don´t know what to talk about, due...

Nintendo NX
Nintendo NX will be a console that will be sold on March 2017 and will be a kind of hibrid between a portatil console and a house...

IMPACTO!! NO MÁS SUNYS, INKATS, MALVA CHOCS Y NATUR?!! ☹ La empresa de dulces que produjo los caramelos Sunny, Inkat, Malva Choc, Duetto,...

Top 16 of the very best Exclusive Nintendo Games in the 2000s.
Today I’m going to speak about what I believe are the 20 best games in Nintendo, but since 2000 to 2016, I’ve got to say that it cost me...

IMPACT!!!: NO MORE SUNY’S, INKAT’S, MALVA CHOC’S AND NATUR?! ☹ The candy company that produced the candies “Suny, Inkat, Malva Choc,...

Chilean national holidays
The Chilean national holidays The Chilean national holidays is a chilean celebration that represents the independence of Chile and is...

Las fiestas patrias
Las fiestas patrias en Chile son una celebración chilena que representa la independencia de Chile y se celebran el día 18 de septiembre...

El Altamaha-ha
El criptido de hoy es el Altamaha-ha El Altamaha-ha, también llamado Altie es un animal parecido al plesiosaurio de río o al esturión, de...

How good is the food labeling law?
In Chile a new law to inform people the amount of saturated fat, calories, sugar and sodium was applied. The law wants to promote the...

Nanna Camile Frederiksen
This is an interview to a new exchange student in our school. She is from Denmark, an European country near Germany and she arrived to...